How to Invest in Real Estate: 5 Ways to Get Started

How to Invest in Real Estate: 5 Ways to Get Started

How to Invest in Real Estate: 5 Ways to Get Started:

Real estate investments can add diversification to your portfolio, and getting into the market is easier than you might think..

Best ways to invest in real estate

1. Buy REITs (real estate investment trusts)

REITs allow you to invest in real estate without the physical real estate. Often compared to mutual funds, they’re companies that own commercial real estate such as office buildings, retail spaces, apartments and hotels. REITs tend to pay high dividends, which makes them a common investment in retirement. Investors who don’t need or want the regular income can automatically reinvest those dividends to grow their investment further.

2. Use an online real estate investing platform

Real estate investment platforms connect real estate developers to investors who want to finance projects, either through debt or equity. Investors hope to receive monthly or quarterly distributions in exchange for taking on a significant amount of risk and paying a fee to the platform. Like many real estate investments, these are speculative and illiquid — you can’t easily unload them the way you can trade a stock,How to Invest in Real Estate: 5 Ways to Get Started.

The rub is that you may need money to make money. Many of these platforms are open only to accredited investors, defined by the Securities and Exchange Commission as people who’ve earned income of more than $200,000 ($300,000 with a spouse) in each of the last two years or have a net worth of $1 million or more, not including a primary residence. Alternatives for those who can’t meet that requirement include Fundrise and RealtyMogul,How to Invest in Real Estate: 5 Ways to Get Started.

3. Think about investing in rental properties

Tiffany Alexy didn’t intend to become a real estate investor when she bought her first rental property at age 21. Then a college senior in Raleigh, North Carolina, she planned to attend grad school locally and figured buying would be better than renting.

“I went on Craigslist and found a four-bedroom, four-bathroom condo that was set up student-housing style. I bought it, lived in one bedroom and rented out the other three,” Alexy says.

The setup covered all of her expenses and brought in an extra $100 per month in cash — far from chump change for a grad student, and enough that Alexy caught the real estate bug.

Alexy entered the market using a strategy sometimes called house hacking, a term coined by BiggerPockets, an online resource for real estate investors. It essentially means you’re occupying your investment property, either by renting out rooms, as Alexy did, or by renting out units in a multi-unit building. David Meyer, vice president of data and analytics at the site, says house hacking lets investors buy a property with up to four units and still qualify for a residential loan.

Of course, you can also buy and rent out an entire investment property. Find one with combined expenses lower than the amount you can charge in rent. And if you don’t want to be the person who shows up with a toolbelt to fix a leak — or even the person who calls that person — you’ll also need to pay a property manager.

“If you manage it yourself, you’ll learn a lot about the industry, and if you buy future properties you’ll go into it with more experience,” says Meyer,How to Invest in Real Estate: 5 Ways to Get Started.

4. Consider flipping investment properties

This is HGTV come to life: You invest in an underpriced home in need of a little love, renovate it as inexpensively as possible and then resell it for a profit. Called house flipping, the strategy is a wee bit harder than it looks on TV. It’s also more expensive than it used to be, given the current higher cost of building materials and mortgage interest rates. Many house flippers aim to pay for the homes in cash.

“There is a bigger element of risk, because so much of the math behind flipping requires a very accurate estimate of how much repairs are going to cost, which is not an easy thing to do,” says Meyer.

His suggestion: Find an experienced partner. “Maybe you have capital or time to contribute, but you find a contractor who is good at estimating expenses or managing the project,” he says,How to Invest in Real Estate: 5 Ways to Get Started.

The other risk of flipping is that the longer you hold the property, the less money you make because you may be paying a mortgage without bringing in any income. You can lower that risk by living in the house as you fix it up. This works as long as most of the updates are cosmetic and you don’t mind a little dust,How to Invest in Real Estate: 5 Ways to Get Started.

5. Rent out a room

Finally, to dip the very edge of your toe in the real estate waters, you could rent part of your home,How to Invest in Real Estate: 5 Ways to Get Started. Such an arrangement can substantially decrease housing costs, potentially allowing people to stay in their homes as they continue to benefit from price appreciation on their property,How to Invest in Real Estate: 5 Ways to Get Started,How to Invest in Real Estate: 5 Ways to Get Started.

Adding roommates can also make a mortgage payment more attainable for younger people. But if you’re not sure you’re ready, you could try a site like Airbnb. It’s house hacking for the commitment-phobe: You don’t have to take on a long-term tenant, potential renters are at least somewhat prescreened by Airbnb, and the company’s host guarantee provides protection against damages.

Renting out a room feels a lot more accessible than the fancy concept of real estate investing. If you’ve got a spare room, you can rent it,How to Invest in Real Estate: 5 Ways to Get Started.

Like all investment decisions, the best real estate investments are the ones that best serve you, the investor. Think about how much time you have, how much capital you’re willing to invest and whether you want to be the one who deals with household issues when they inevitably come up. If you don’t have DIY skills, consider investing in real estate through a REIT or a crowdfunding platform rather than directly in a property,How to Invest in Real Estate: 5 Ways to Get Started.

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Types of Real Estate Investments

Types of Real Estate Investments

There are several types of real estate investments, but most fall into two categories: Physical real estate investments like land, residential and commercial properties, and other modes of investing that don’t require owning physical property, such as REITs and crowdfunding platforms.

Investing in traditional, physical real estate can offer a high return, but it also requires more money upfront and can have high ongoing costs. REITs and crowdfunding platforms have a lower financial barrier to entry, meaning you can invest in multiple real estate types for far less than it would cost to invest in even one traditional property. These alternative real estate investments also offer the distinct advantage of not having to leave your house or put on pants to start investing,Types of Real Estate Investments.

If you’re looking to invest in real estate, here are five types to consider:

1. REITs

Publicly traded REITs, or real estate investment trusts, are companies that own commercial real estate (think hotels, offices, and malls). You can invest in shares of these companies on a stock exchange. By investing in REITs, you are investing in the real estate these companies own, without as many of the risks associated with owning real estate directly,Types of Real Estate Investments.

REITs must return at least 90% of their taxable income to shareholders annually. This means investors can receive attractive dividends in addition to diversifying their portfolios with real estate. Publicly traded REITs also offer more liquidity than other real estate investments: If you find yourself suddenly needing some cash, you can sell your shares on the stock exchange. If you want to invest in publicly traded REITs, you can do so through a brokerage account.

2. Crowdfunding platforms

Real estate crowdfunding platforms offer investors access to real estate investments that may bring high returns but also carry significant risks. Some crowdfunding platforms are open only to accredited investors, defined as individuals with a net worth, or joint net worth with a spouse, of more than $1 million — excluding the value of their home — or an annual income in each of the last two years that exceeds $200,000 ($300,000 with a spouse).

But others, like Fundrise and RealtyMogul, offer investors who don’t meet those minimums — known as nonaccredited investors — access to investments they wouldn’t otherwise be able to invest in. These investments often come in the form of nontraded REITs, or REITs that don’t trade on the stock exchange. Since they aren’t publicly traded, nontraded REITs can be highly illiquid, meaning your funds will be invested for at least several years, and you may not have the ability to pull your money out of the investment if you need it. Keep in mind, many crowdfunding platforms have a short track record, and have yet to weather an economic downturn,Types of Real Estate Investments.

3. Residential real estate

Residential real estate is virtually anywhere that people live or stay, such as single-family homes, condos, and vacation homes. Residential real estate investors make money by collecting rent (or regular payments for short-term rentals) from property tenants, through the appreciated value their property accrues between when they buy it and when they sell it, or both.

Investing in residential real estate can take many forms. It can be as simple as renting out a spare room or as complicated as buying and flipping a house for a profit.

4. Commercial real estate

Commercial real estate is a space that is rented or leased by a business. An office building rented by a single business, a gas station, a strip mall with several unique businesses and leased restaurants are all examples of commercial real estate. Unless the business owns the property itself, each business would pay rent to the property owner.

Industrial and retail real estate can fall under the commercial umbrella. Industrial real estate generally refers to properties where products are made or housed rather than sold, like warehouses and factories. Retail space is where a customer can buy a product or service, like a clothing store. Commercial properties tend to have longer leases and can command more rent than residential properties, which may mean greater and steadier long-term income for a property owner. But they may also require higher down payments and property management expenses.

5. Raw land

If you build it, will they come? Investors typically buy land for either commercial or residential development.

But buying land to develop involves a fair amount of market research, especially if you plan to develop the property yourself. This type of investment is best suited to someone with a large amount of capital to invest and a deep knowledge of all things real estate —building codes, zoning regulations, flood plains — in addition to an understanding of the local residential and commercial rental markets.

Which real estate investment is best for you?

If you’re considering investing in traditional real estate — like residential or commercial properties — doing your due diligence doesn’t just mean coming up with a down payment. Knowing your local market is important. If there isn’t much demand for homes or commercial space in your area, or property values start dipping, that investment could quickly turn into a burden.

If you’d prefer to be more hands-off with your investments, REITs and crowdfunding platforms are easier ways to add real estate to your portfolio without owning physical property.

Some brokerages offer publicly traded REITs and REIT mutual funds,

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Are up seeking information on the USA VISA LOTTERY process? Then you are in the right place. In this article, we will be talking about the USA VISA Lottery and also share some Quality and Best Guides you have to study, Live or work Abroad. It is also worth noting here that every piece of information here is free. Hence, you don’t have to worry about being charged for information being shared here,USA VISA LOTTERY – HOW TO APPLY.

We simply want to update you on the processes involved in getting enrolled for USA VISA LOTTERY and other handy information that we believe would be necessary for you,USA VISA LOTTERY – HOW TO APPLY.

So without further ado, let’s get started with the USA VISA Lottery guide and everything other information you could need on the subject.

Benefits Of American Green Card (USA Visa)

The USA VISA Lottery is also referred to as the Green Card. There are quite a number of benefits that will follow the winners of the 2021-2022 American Visa Lottery Applicants:

  1. Getting a Green Card is as good as being a permanent citizen in the US. You can live in the USA with free citizenship.
  2. You can Study with Grants and Sponsorship that are open to the US and international students
  3. US Green Card can guarantee your Workspace abroad
Who Is Eligible for USA Visa Lottery?

Before we talk about Eligibility, please note that there is a limited period of time for which applicants can apply for the Diversity Immigrant Visa (DV). This is because the program is only available for a limited period of time each fiscal year,USA VISA LOTTERY – HOW TO APPLY.

Before you apply, it is important that you know whether or not you are eligible.

First, the USA VISA Lottery program is not available to every country. Basically, Natives of countries with historically low rates of immigration to the United States may be eligible to enter.


Diversity visas go to natives of selected countries in six geographic regions. These regions include Africa, Asia, Europe, North America, Oceania, plus South America, Central America, and the Caribbean. These regions have a low rate of immigration to the United State. However, this is just the first step,USA VISA LOTTERY – HOW TO APPLY,USA VISA LOTTERY – HOW TO APPLY.

Unfortunately, natives of Bangladesh, Brazil, Canada, China (mainland and Hong Kong), Colombia, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, India, Jamaica, Mexico, Nigeria, Pakistan, Philippines, South Korea, United Kingdom, and its dependent territories (except Northern Ireland), and Vietnam are ineligible.

Eligibility for USA Visa Lottery Application

Requirement #1: Individuals born in countries whose natives qualify may be eligible to enter.

If you were not born in an eligible country, there are two other ways you might be able to qualify,USA VISA LOTTERY – HOW TO APPLY.

  • Is your spouse a native of a country with historically low rates of immigration to the United States? If yes, you can claim your spouse’s country of birth – provided that you and your spouse are named on the selected entry, are found eligible and issued diversity visas, and enter the United States simultaneously.
  • Are you a native of a country that does not have historically low rates of immigration to the United States, but in which neither of your parents was born or legally resident at the time of your birth? If yes, you may claim the country of birth of one of your parents if it is a country whose natives are eligible for the DV-2022 program,USA VISA LOTTERY – HOW TO APPLY.

Requirement #2: Each DV applicant must meet the education/work experience requirement of the DV program by having either: at least a high school education or its equivalent, defined as successful completion of a 12-year course of formal elementary and secondary education;


Two years of work experience within the past five years in an occupation that requires at least two years of training or experience to perform. The Department of State will use the U.S. Department of Labor’s O*Net Online database to determine qualifying work experience.

Applicants must submit entries for the DV program electronically at the website between October 1st noon, Eastern Daylight Time (EDT) (GMT-4), to November. 3 each year. This is a yearly program be sure to submit your entry on time.

No late entries or paper entries will be accepted. The law allows only one entry per person during each entry period. The Department of State uses sophisticated technology to detect multiple entries. Submission of more than one entry will render you ineligible for a DV. View The Full Requirements and USA VISA LOTTERY – HOW TO APPLY.How To Apply Here,

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Chevening Scholarship 2023 | Application Process (Fully Funded)

Chevening Scholarship 2023 | Application Process (Fully Funded)

Chevening Scholarship is currently open. In this article, we will explain in detail about this scholarship, its application benefits and step by step application process.

Scholarship 2Chevening 023-2024 is a fully funded masters scholarship for international students. Chevening Scholarship covers university tuition fees, a monthly living allowance, an economy class return airfare to the UK, and additional grants and allowances to cover essential expenditure.

Chevening provides future leaders and influencers from around the globe a distinctive chance to grow professionally and academically, network widely, experience UK culture, and create enduring beneficial interactions with the UK. Chevening is the international awards system of the UK government that aims to develop worldwide leaders. There will be around 1,500 scholarships being provided worldwid,Chevening Scholarship 2023 | Application Process (Fully Funded)..

Funded by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) and partner organizations, Chevening provides two kinds of awards–Chevening Scholarships and Chevening Fellowships–with recipients personally chosen throughout the globe by British embassies and high commissions,Chevening Scholarship 2023 | Application Process (Fully Funded).

Chevening Scholarship Summary
  • Level of Study: Masters
  • Institution(s): UK Universities
  • Study in: UK
  • Courses Offered: Full-time taught Masters Degree Program in any subject.
  • Program Period: Depends on the selected program but not more than one year postgraduate course.
  • Chevening Scholarship Deadline: November 1, 2022
Chevening Scholarship Coverage

Chevening Scholarship 2023, provides the recipient with the following benefits:

  • University tuition fees,Chevening Scholarship 2023 | Application Process (Fully Funded).
  • A monthly stipend.
  • Travel costs to and from the UK,Chevening Scholarship 2023 | Application Process (Fully Funded).
  • An arrival allowance,Chevening Scholarship 2023 | Application Process (Fully Funded).
  • A homeward departure allowance,Chevening Scholarship 2023 | Application Process (Fully Funded).
  • The cost of one visa application,Chevening Scholarship 2023 | Application Process (Fully Funded).
  • A travel grant to attend Chevening events in the UK,Chevening Scholarship 2023 | Application Process (Fully Funded).
Eligibility Criteria for Chevening Scholarship

To be eligible for Chevening Scholarships, applicants must meet the following criteria:

  • Required Language: English
  • Eligible Countries: The scholarships are targeted to citizens of Chevening-eligible countries. See the official website for complete list of countries eligible for Chevening scholarships.
  • Return to your country of citizenship for a minimum of two years after your scholarship has ended
  • Have completed all components of an undergraduate degree that will enable you to gain entry onto a postgraduate programme at a UK university by the time you submit your application. This is typically equivalent to an upper second-class 2:1 honours degree in the UK but may be different depending on your course and university choice.
  • Have at least two years (equivalent to 2,800 hours) of work experience.
  • Apply to three different eligible UK university courses and have received an unconditional offer from one of these choices by 13 July 2023,Chevening Scholarship 2023 | Application Process (Fully Funded).

You are not eligible for a Chevening Scholarship if you:

  • Hold British or dual British citizenship (unless you are a citizen of a British Overseas Territory or hold BN(O) and are applying from Hong Kong).
  • Hold refugee status in a non-Chevening eligible country. Applicants who are citizens of a Chevening-eligible country and who hold refugee status in a Chevening-eligible country are eligible for a scholarship,Chevening Scholarship 2023 | Application Process (Fully Funded).
  • Are an employee, a former employee, or relative* of an employee of Her Majesty’s Government, or have been within the last two years from the opening of Chevening applications (including British embassies/high commissions; the Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy; Department for International Trade; the Ministry of Defence; and the Home Office), or a staff member of the Association of Commonwealth Universities.
  • Employees, former employees, or relatives* of an employee of Chevening Partner organisations are eligible to apply, but if the employment took place within the last two years, you cannot receive a Chevening Partner Award from the organisation from which you work, previously worked, or are affiliated with through relatives.
  • Have previously studied in the UK with funding from a UK Government-funded scholarship.
How to Apply for Chevening Scholarship ?

Please follow the following instructions to apply for Chevening Scholarship:

  1. Choose your country from here, then choose Chevening Scholarship.
  2. Create an account.
  3. Fill your profile with your personal information, save the data and validate your profile, then start your application.
  4. Complete the quiz to assure your eligibility for the Scholarship,Chevening Scholarship 2023 | Application Process (Fully Funded).
  5. Fill the application with the required data and prepare the following documents:
  • Completed education documents,Chevening Scholarship 2023 | Application Process (Fully Funded).
  • English language qualification,Chevening Scholarship 2023 | Application Process (Fully Funded).
  • Conditional offers for proposed courses of study (up to three).
  • Unconditional offers for proposed courses of study (up to three) (You must upload at least one unconditional offer by 13 July 2023).
  • References (If you are invited to interview you will be invited to upload two references).
  • Passport / ID document,Chevening Scholarship 2023 | Application Process (Fully Funded).

6. Submit the application,Chevening Scholarship 2023 | Application Process (Fully Funded).

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Helmut Veith Stipend for Females in Computer Science 2023

Helmut Veith Stipend for Females in Computer Science 2023

Helmut Veith Stipend is currently open. In this article we will explain in detail about Helmut Veith Stipend, its benefits and step by step application process.

Helmut Veith Stipend for Females in Computer Science 2023-2024 is a fully funded scholarship for international students. This scholarship is offered for Masters studies. The scholarship covers EUR 6000 annually for duration of up to two years and Waiver of all tuition fees at TU Wien.

This scholarship is dedicated to the memory of an outstanding computer scientist who worked in the fields of computer-aided verification, logic in computer science, computer security and software engineering. Helmut Veith, who tragically passed away in March 2016, was a strong advocate and mentor for women in computer science.

Recipients of funding must exhibit good progress during their studies and will have to reside in Austria for the duration of their studies. The Helmut Veith Stipend was started with generous support of TU Wien, Wolfgang Pauli Institute and with contributions by family and friends of the late Helmut Veith.

Scholarship Summary

  • Level of Study: Masters
  • Institution(s): TU Wien
  • Study in: Austria
  • Opportunity Focus Areas: See list below
  • Program Period: 2 years
  • Deadline: November 30, 2022 (annual)

Courses Offered

  • Master in Logic and Computation
  • Master in Business Informatics
  • Master in Computer Engineering (Technische Informatik)
  • Master in Data Science
  • Master in Media and Human-Centered Computing

Scholarship Coverage

Helmut Veith Stipend for Female in Computer Science provides the recipient with the following benefits:

  • Waiver of all tuition fees at TU Wien.
  • EUR 6000 annually for duration of up to two years.

Eligibility Criteria for Helmut Veith Stipend

To qualify for Helmut Veith Stipend, candidate must fulfill all of the following requirements below:

  • Required Language: English
  • Eligible Countries: All world countries.
  • Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science or Mathematics (Bologna first cycle) or equivalent degree
  • The funding will only be awarded to applicants who have been unconditionally admitted to the master’s program.
  • Applicants must be eligible for admission to one of the master’s programs in computer science at TU Wien that are taught in English.
  • Extensive knowledge and interest in (at least one of) Helmut Veith’s areas of research:
    • Formal Methods and Verification,Helmut Veith Stipend for Females in Computer Science 2023.
    • Logic in Computer Scienc,Helmut Veith Stipend for Females in Computer Science 2023.
    • Foundations of Artificial Intelligence,Helmut Veith Stipend for Females in Computer Science 2023.
    • Computer Security,Helmut Veith Stipend for Females in Computer Science 2023.
    • Complexity Theory.

How to Apply for Helmut Veith Stipend 2022?

Please follow below instructions to avail Helmut Veith Stipend for Female in Computer Science:

The following documents are required:

  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Cover Letter, describing the type of funding the student is applying for, and all other aspects the student deems relevant for the application
  • Motivation Letter, describing the reasons why the student wants to study in the program Logic and Computation, why funding is necessary, and with which groups of the faculty the student would be interested to work with during their master’s thesis and why.
  • Diplomas and/or certificates (first degree, bachelor degree, or higher). If the final academic certificate is not yet available at the time of the application deadline, a preliminary certificate (indicating the type of degree and the expected graduation date) signed and stamped by the degree-awarding university must be provided.
  • Reports on university examinations (transcripts)
  • Contact details of two referees (for letters of recommendation)
  • Copy of passport,Helmut Veith Stipend for Females in Computer Science 2023.
  • English language certificate (TOEFL or similar)

A certified translation needs to be provided for documents that are not in German or English. Your application must be submitted electronically to with a subject “Application” as a single PDF document. The name of the PDF file needs to be “document.pdf,Helmut Veith Stipend for Females in Computer Science 2023.

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UMY Scholarships 2023 Indonesia

UMY Scholarships 2023 Indonesia

UMY International Scholarship 2023 is currently open for international students. In this article, we will explain in detail about UMY Scholarship, its benefits, and the step-by-step application process.

UMY Scholarship 2023-2024 is a fully funded scholarship for international students. This scholarship is offered for undergraduate, master’s, and doctoral studies. The scholarship provides a tuition fee waiver and living expenses of IDR 1,850,000 for undergraduates, IDR 2,350,000 for masters, and IDR 2,600,000 for doctoral students per month.

Scholarship Summary
  • Level of Study: Undergraduate / Masters / Doctoral
  • Institution(s): Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta
  • Study in: Indonesia
  • Deadline: November 25, 2022 / April 28, 2023
  • Program Period: As per the program
You may be interested in applying for these scholarships
  • MEXT Scholarship University Recommendation Japan
  • Justus & Louise van Effen Excellence Scholarships Netherlands
  • Monash Humanitarian Scholarship 2020 Australia
Scholarship Coverage

UMY Scholarships provide the recipient with below benefits:

  • Tuition Fee
  • Free Dormitory
  • Living Cost

The scholarship offers a tuition fee waiver and living expenses of IDR 1,850,000 for undergraduates, IDR 2,350,000 for masters, and IDR 2,600,000 for doctoral students per month.

Eligibility Criteria for UMY Scholarships

To qualify for UMY Scholarships, the candidate must fulfill all of the following requirements below:

  • Required Language: English. Applicants must be able to demonstrate English language fluency, there is no specific requirement mentioned in the announcement.
  • Eligible Countries: All world countries.
  • Applicants should be International (Students from all around the world)
  • Students should have a Bachelor’s (16-year education) for a master’s degree and a master’s (18-year education) for a Ph.D. degree or equivalent to the Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta university requirements.
  • Applicants should be interested in international cultural exchange
  • Students Should be in good physical and medical health
How to Apply for UMY Scholarships?

Please follow the following application instructions to apply for this scholarship.

  1. First of all, applicants have to submit their online application for UMY scholarships through UMY online application portal.
  2. Send the required documents to the Cooperation and International Affairs Office UMY through e-mail at
  3. Required Documents:
    • CV/Resume
    • High school certificate,UMY Scholarships 2023 Indonesia.
    • Undergraduate certificate,UMY Scholarships 2023 Indonesia.Postgraduate certificate,UMY Scholarships 2023 Indonesia
    • Academic Transcript.UMY Scholarships 2023 Indonesia.
    • Recommendation Letter from Home University
    • TOEFL/IELTS Results,UMY Scholarships 2023 Indonesia.
    • Achievement Certificates,UMY Scholarships 2023 Indonesia.
    • Research Proposal,UMY Scholarships 2023 Indonesia.
    • Medical Check-uUMY Scholarships 2023 Indonesia.

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A*Star International Fellowship 2023 | Fully Funded

A*Star International Fellowship 2023 | Fully Funded

A*Star International fellowship is open for international students to pursue a post-doctoral degree in Singapore. Our post-doctoral scholarships offer sophisticated teaching possibilities at prestigious universities and labs to assist you to create fresh science capacities and undertake cutting-edge studies in your specialization sector.

Expand your study experience, deepen your understanding, and build global connections with the A*STAR International Fellowship to promote your science profession. This scholarship fully supports your post-doctoral training at leading laboratories overseas. With this international exposure, you can connect and build international networks with the global research community. Upon completion of your post-doctoral training, you will embark on an exciting career at an A*STAR Research Institute. After completion of the post-doctoral research training, scholars will return to Singapore and contribute three (3) years to the A*STAR Research Institute.

Scholarship Summary
  • Level of Study: Post-Doctoral Fellowship
  • Institution(s): A*STAR
  • Study in: Singapore
  • Course Offered:
    • Chemicals, materials, and energy
    • Electronics
    • Engineering
    • Food, nutrition & consumer care
    • Pharmaceuticals & biologics
    • Medical technology
    • Infocomms (infocommunications)
  • Program Period: 2 years
  • Deadline:
    • Round 1: 1 October of the preceding year
    • Round 2: 1 March of the same year
Scholarship Coverage

AStar International fellowship provides the recipient with the following benefits:

Successful applicants will be given the following support* for up to 2 years of overseas post-doctoral research training:

  • Monthly overseas living allowance.
  • Monthly sustenance allowance, inclusive of CPF contribution (where applicable).
  • Annual return airfare.
  • Other allowances include:
    • Settling-in allowance,A*Star International Fellowship 2023 | Fully Funded.
    • Computer allowance,A*Star International Fellowship 2023 | Fully Funded.
    • Book allowance.
    • Conference allowance,A*Star International Fellowship 2023 | Fully Funded.
  • Annual personal insurance,A*Star International Fellowship 2023 | Fully Funded
  • The 3 years will be completed and funded by the preferred A*STAR Research Institute.
  • All rates/allowances vary according to country and university/lab and are subject to A*STAR adjustments from time to time,A*Star International Fellowship 2023 | Fully Funded.
Eligibility Criteria

To be eligible for an A*Star International fellowship, applicants must meet the following criteria:

  • Required Languages: English
  • Eligible Countries: Be Singaporeans and other nationals may apply but non-Singaporeans are required to have obtained Singapore citizenship prior to the commencement of the fellowship.
  • Have completed a Ph.D. within the last 4 years,A*Star International Fellowship 2023 | Fully Funded.
  • Possess excellent publication records,A*Star International Fellowship 2023 | Fully Funded.
  • Not have existing bonds to any institution.
  • Have applied or be applying for a relevant post-doctoral position at a top overseas university/laboratory,A*Star International Fellowship 2023 | Fully Funded.
  • Applicants in the final stages of their Ph.D. may apply for the AIF. However, their AIF award is confirmed only upon conferment of their Ph.D. degree,A*Star International Fellowship 2023 | Fully Funded.

The above eligibility criteria are not exhaustive.
A*STAR may include additional selection criteria based on prevailing scholarship policies. These policies may be amended from time to time without notice,A*Star International Fellowship 2023 | Fully Funded.

How to Apply for an A*Star International fellowship?

Please follow the following important steps to avail of this scholarship:

  • Sign Up for” Create your own account”, then Enter your e-mail and Password, You will see the online application form.
  • Fill in the required application, then Submit it.
  • After you have submitted all the required documents, your application will be reviewed and you may be requested to provide more information while we assess your application. If you are shortlisted, you will be invited to attend psychometric test/s and at least two rounds of interviews.

Please note for the interview: You will be given 15 minutes to present your proposed research project. This is followed by 15 minutes of Q&A.

If you qualify for the next interview round(s): you will need to seek endorsement from your proposed  A*STAR Research Institute Supervisor and Executive Director for you to serve the 1-year service commitment period at that Research Institute after the post-doctoral training under the AIF,A*Star International Fellowship 2023 | Fully Funded.

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5 Reasons You Should Study In Australia

5 Reasons You Should Study In Australia

5 Reasons You Should Study In Australia:

There is no place in the world much like Australia. From its stunning flora and fauna to the amazing geographical locations, from the cultural heritage of the aboriginals to the warmth and reception of the Aussies, from the sporting events to jaw-dropping architecture, this is a place everyone must visit in their lifetime.

This is also a great educational center that attracts thousands of students from around the world. If you are not convinced as to why you should seek education here, let us help you walk through the five biggest reasons why you should study here. Let us get started.

1. Top-notch Universities

Australia is home to some of the top-notch universities in the world including Sydney University, Melbourne University, Queensland University, University of Western Australia, University of Adelaide, Curtin University, University of Canberra, University of Tasmania, and James Cook University, to name a few. Many of these universities are ranked among the top 100 universities in the world.

As you can guess, when you have these many universities, the options for a variety of courses
only increase multi-fold. So, whether you want to pursue science or arts and culture, history or
performance art, filmmaking or literature, you won’t run out of options to study in this beautiful

2. Easy Access to Student Visa

A major hindrance that all international students dread before going to the foreign educational location of their dream is the taxing process of obtaining a student visa. This is one official aspect that can wreak havoc with your plan. But, in Australia, even this issue is being taken care of, for the most part, since getting a student visa in Australia is way easier when compared to the same in other foreign locations.

A streamlined process for the student visa (subclass 500) is offered by Australia, and once you fill-up the requirements, you will easily get your student visa in your hand. In addition, consumer protection rights are offered to international students along with OSO (Overseas Student Ombudsman) so that students stay protected and well during their tenure of stay.

3. Internationally Recognized Qualifications

The AQF (Australian Qualifications Framework) brings into its structure qualifications from different training and educational sectors which acts as a single qualification system that is accepted and recognized not only in Australia but also all across the globe. This ensures that the degree that you earn from Australia will help get you a job in any part of the world. The standard method that is provided through this AQF method helps in deriving a comparable qualification when you choose to move back to your home country or any other country of your choice to seek a career.

4.Wide Employment Opportunities

Speaking of careers, the employment opportunities in Australia are plentiful. Let us start by stating the fact that many student visas will grant you access to work for around 20 hours a week while studying. This extends to unrestricted hours during vacation. As such, you can get plenty of sources of income during your tenure as a student.

Furthermore, the placement exposure is huge since this place is home to several multinational companies that will hire you on your merit. Programs such as the PYP (Professional Year Program) will allow you to get mentored by industry experts in various Australian workplaces in the fields of accounting, information technology, and engineering.

5. Cultural Diversity

Last but certainly not least, having a diverse group of classmates is very important not only to feel included but also because you get more opportunities to learn and grow from the different cultures, backgrounds, and experiences of your peers. Since this place attracts students from all over the world, the cultural exposure multiplies and you are left with a wholesome positive experience.

Australia is truly a one-of-a-kind nation that provides a positive and top-notch experience for those who are looking to pursue education here. We hope these aforementioned reasons have convinced you as to why you should study in the beautiful nation of Australia.

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Imperial Collage London PhD Scholarship 2023 (Fully Funded)

Imperial Collage London PhD Scholarship 2023 (Fully Funded)

Imperial Collage London PhD Scholarship is currently open. In this article we will explain in detail about this scholarship, its benefits and step by step application process.

Imperial Collage London PhD Scholarship 2023-2024 is a fully funded scholarship for international students. Up to 10 fully-funded scholarships are awarded each year. This scholarship covers both tuition fees and an annual tax-free contribution to maintenance costs of £18,062 – £22,200 for 42 months.

To be eligible for Imperial Collage London PhD Scholarship, you are expected to have obtained (or be heading for) a First Class Honors degree at Master’s level (or equivalent) in chemical engineering, another branch of engineering or a related science. In order to do so, Imperial College London opens its arms and invites diversity from outstanding academicians from all over the world,

Imperial is among the universities in the United Kingdom having the most international students. It offers scholarships to its international students also. A number of scholarships are available in the Department of Chemical Engineering. These are highly competitive scholarship awards and are awarded to students who distinguish themselves from the herd.

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